Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And the Winners For Lyra Gel Crayons Ta Da Are:

Artworks were based on 60% image impact, 20% gel crayons skill and 20% age appropriateness.
We apologized if the color come out bluish in the screen. But the artworks are all colorfully and beautifully compelling. Thank you to all the participants. We will contact the school from where the winners come from and inform them of the awarding date. We are planning to do a reception for the art show featuring all the participants artwork next year 2009. All participants shall receive a free Lyra Art Club founding membership worth P250.00.

Third Prize goes to : Grade 6 student, Carla Angela Antonio of La Immaculada Concepcion School.

Second Prize goes to : Grade 4 student, Trisha Co Reyes of St. Stephen's High School.

First Prize goes to : Grade 6 student Seanne Daphne Ko Ng of St. Jude Catholic School.

And the Winners For Lyra Oil Pastel Ta Da Are:

Artworks were judged based on 60% Image Impact, 20% Oil Pastel Skills & Techniques, 20% Age Appropriateness. And the winners are Ta Da!

First Prize goes to : Grade 3 student, Hannah Geneby T. Livioco of Philippine Tiong Se Academy

Second Prize goes to : Grade 3 student, Ariel Morado Jr. of Colegio de San Agustin

Third Prize goes to : Grade 2 student, Rhomel Marcojos of Colegio San Agustin.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The First Ever Lyra Gel Crayons Art Contest

Elementary students from Grades 4-6 in Metro Manila submitted their gel crayons entries in the first Lyra Art Contest in the Philippines. So many nice artworks, just three to choose from... Judges are having a hard time. Same as oil pastel contest, artworks will be judged on image impact, the use of the medium, and age appropriateness. Winners will be proclaimed on Dec 10, 2008.

More Gel Crayons Artworks from our Semifinalists....

More Gel Crayons Artworks from our Semifinalists....

More Gel Crayons Artworks from our Semifinalists....

More Gel Crayons Artworks from our Semifinalists....

More Gel Crayons Artworks from our Semifinalists....

More Gel Crayons Artworks from our Semifinalists....

More Gel Crayons Artworks from our Semifinalists....

Young Semifinalists Enter the First Lyra Art Contest

Young artists from Metro Manila elementary schools submitted their oil pastel entries to the First Lyra Oil Pastel Art Contest. The theme of the contest is : Christmas Festivity in the Philippines. The winners will be judged according to image impact, the artists use of the medium and age appropriateness. Results will be announced on December 10, 2008 at this site. Personally, I enjoyed the children's artworks especially the little ones'. It was nice to see the world from the view points of the young ones. Some were very refreshing to the spirit. I felt very blessed launching this contest.

More Oil Pastel Artworks from our Semifinalists....